Alexis (Lexi) Young is a busy mother of five and a Medical Assistant at Neighborcare Health. Determined to work in the medical field, she has not let anything stop her from pursuing her dreams.
Lexi started her journey to become a Medical Assistant in Louisiana, but natural disasters and other obstacles posed challenges to her goals. “Unfortunately, I became very ill. And after my area was damaged by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Gustav, I moved back and forth from Louisiana to Seattle three times. I felt like my dreams of becoming a medical assistant would never be possible with all the challenges I was facing.”
Nevertheless, Lexi clung to her dreams and eventually started working at Neighborcare Health as a Patient Service Representative in 2021. “I heard about the Medical Assistant Apprenticeship program through our Union Newsletter. This was the perfect opportunity to restart my journey to become a Medical Assistant.” The Training Fund partners with Neighborcare Health to offer various apprenticeship programs through the HealthCare Apprenticeship Consortium. These apprenticeship programs help build education pathways and promote accessibility, retention, and stability within the healthcare workforce. One of these programs is the Medical Assistant (MA) apprenticeship – which was a perfect fit for Lexi.
Since joining the MA Apprenticeship program, Lexi has also had access to supportive services that remove barriers and help her succeed in the program:
“Being in this program, I can go to school, work, and get on the job training!! This program has given me the self-confidence and sense of living I lost in Louisiana and made such a positive impact in my life. It’s given me hope that one day I will be an LPN.”
Supportive services, like laptop lending, are crucial in promoting accessibility and helping students succeed. At the Training Fund, we know that it is about more than just providing services – it is about being in someone’s corner and bringing partners together in community:
“I have support from my instructors, mentors, co-workers, and classmates. The program is great for anyone looking to get into the medical field as a Medical Assistant.”
Having now completed the apprenticeship program, Lexi shares, “I am now a Registered Medical Assistant. This program is giving me the opportunity to get my certification. Now here I am doing everything I was trained to do. I was stressed and nervous about all of this before – they gave me the confidence, and now I am a better person for all the things I learned in this program.”
Lexi’s dedication and motivation to help others inspired her daughter to follow in her footsteps:
“This program has made me more mindful of how I am in the world. It has given me confidence to voice my opinion and support others along the way. This opportunity rubbed off on my 20-yr old daughter, Shelly.”
Shelly saw the impact the program had on her mom and knew that she wanted to do the same thing so she applied to Neighborcare. Lexi proudly shares, “I did not tell them she was my daughter because I wanted her to get this on her own. She is thriving, and we are so thankful and excited for what comes next.”
Shelly is now going through the Medical Assistant Apprenticeship program:
“I was so excited to hear that I was able to interview to also get a chance to start a wonderful career just like my family member’s before me, and even go farther than where I am at now. This program and the Training Fund & HCAC have really given me a chance to have a great future in the medical world like I always hope to do. This whole process has been really wonderful with such a great team who’s always ready to help even if it’s with things outside of school. I can’t wait for the journey to continue with many more years to come. I’m grateful I got this opportunity to finally follow my dream and have the support behind me as well.”

Lexi (center) sharing her story at a Training Fund Board of Directors meeting with Training Fund Executive Director, Laura Hopkins (Left), and SEIU Healthcare 1199 NW President, Jane Hopkins (right).
This is just the beginning for Lexi: “Through this program, I see that I don’t want to stop here. My dreams are to be either an RN or a (Physician Assistant-Certified) PAC – I will do everything in my power to get there, because I can’t stop”.
We’re rooting for you, Lexi and Shelly!
Connect with the Training Fund to find out how you can achieve your career and education goals!
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